TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area

Consultancy Services for Design and Supervision of TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area, Tandahimba – Mtwara. CLIENT: Tandahimba – Newala Co-operative Union (TANECU) Ltd DATE: January 2013 to 2015 STATUS: Completed engineering TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area tandahimba TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area warehouse TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area work TANECU Ware House to be Built at Malopokelo Industrial Area  

Karibu Nimeta Consult

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
+255 (0) 754 386 756
(8:00 AM – 17:00PM)